Tutorial is copyrighted to the Tutorial Writer, © Emmy Kruyswijk 2011.
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here 4 Disney tubes,1 template
Peachy, 1 font Fiolex Girls
filters: Kang - Houdini is only sleeping, Cybia - screenworks - Rib
FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss.
Before you begins.......
Filters : Install first your plug-ins before you open PSP and put
them in the folder plug-ins.
Open your image and template in PSP Open the font and minimize
2 Hearts joined Forever
Foreground color#ce4242 and background
color #fcdcaa.
Open new image 600x600.
Fill this with gradient linear.
Adjust - Blur - Gaussian blur - ratius at 25.
Duplicate this layer - imageg - mirror.
Put the opacity of this layer at 50.
Copy scratched and paste as a new layer.
Fill this layer with the foreground color.
Effects - Kang - Houdini is only sleeping with this setting.
Put the blend mode of this layer at Overlay.
Go to Pick tool - click on Pick.
Pull this layer a little further.
Effects - FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss with default setting.
Copy Left Frame and paste as a new layer.
Image - mirror.
Select the frame - fill with the background color.
Let selection stay.
Copy the tube vagebond and paste as a new layer on the selection.
Move this in the middle.
Selections - invert - and click at the delete key of your keyboard.
Selections - select none.
Effects - 3D Effects - drop shadow - with this setting.
Copy the Left Heart Frame and paste as a new layer.
Select the white frame - fill with the foreground color.
Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel - with this setting.
Selections - select none.
Lock the 3 bottom layers - stay at 1 of the other layers.
Layers - merge - merge all layers.
Open the other layers.
Move the heart to the left and a little to the top.
Give the same drop shadow as in point 6.
Copy Right Heart and paste as a new layer.
Image - mirror.
Select the heart - fill this with the background color.
Let selecton stay.
Copy the tube Lady and paste as a new layer.
Selections - invert - and click at the delete key of your keyboard.
Selections - select none.
Give the same drop shadow as in point 6.
Copy Right Heart Frame and paste as a new layer.
Select the white frame - fill this with the foreground color.
Give the same Inner Bevel as in point 6.
Selections - select none.
Lock the 4 bottom layers - stay at 1 of the other layers.
Layers - merge - merge all layers.
Open the other layers.
Move a little to the right.
Layers - arrange - move down.
Give the same drop shadow as in point 6.
Copy tekst - and paste as a new layer.
Place this above the 2 hearts.
Adjust - Hue and Saturation - colorize - with this setting.
Give the same drop shadow as in point 6.
Copy Brad and paste as a new layer. Place this at the left heart.
Copy Chain and paste as a new layer. Place this at the Brad.
Copy Little Heart and paste as a new layer.
Select the hart and fill this with the foreground color.
Copy LittleHeart Frame and paste as a new layer.
If everything is right, it's falling into the place exactly Lock all layers,
except the top 2.
Layers - merge - merge all visible layers.
Open the other layers - Place this heart now to the chain.
Lock all layers again, except the top 3.
Layers - merge - merge all visible layers.
Give the same drop shadow as in point 6.
Open the other layers.
Duplicate this layer - Place this on the right heart.
Image - free rotate - Left 35.
Copy the tube lady2 and paste as a new layer.
Place this on the left little heart.
Give the same drop shadow as in point 6.
Select the right little heart.
Copy tube lady 1 and paste as a new layer.
Place this on the selected heart.
Selections - invert - and click at the delete key of your keyboard.
Give the same drop shadow as in point 6.
Go to text tool - font Fiolex Girls - size 150 pixels -
background color #3fc3f8.
Lock the foreground colort.
Write - Valentine - Convert to raster layer.
Give the same drop shadow as in point 6.
Duplicate this layer.
New raster layer - Put your watermark into the image.
Layers - merge - merge all.
Image - Resize 75% - Resize all layers checked.
Image - add border 2 - foreground color.
Image - add border 2 - background color #3fc3f8.
Image - add border 2 - foreground color.
Selections - select all - selections - modify - selections - contract 6.
Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout with this setting.
Repeat the 3D Effects Cutout, but now vert. and horz. at -2. Selections - select none.
Image - add border 25 - color #fcdcaa.
Select the border - fill this with the gradient radial with this settingg.
Effects - Cybia - screenworks - Rib Webbing.
Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel - with this setting.
Selections - select none.
Image - add border 2 - foreground color.
Image - add border 2 - background color #3fc3f8.
Image - add border 2 - foreground color.
File - export - jpeg optimizer.
Ready is the tag
I hope you like this tutorial. greetings Emmy
Tutorial written