Tutorial is copyrighted to the Tutorial Writer, © Emmy Kruyswijk October 2011.
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Emmy Kruyswijk
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1 image (is not
by the materials),1 accent from Anita, 2 patterns made by me.
filter: Tramages - Waffle, Simple - Top Left Mirror.
Put the plug-ins in the folder plug-ins, put the
patterns in the folder pattern.
Open the image and accent in PSP
Frame Chip and Dale
Take 2 colors from the image - light foreground and dark background.
Use an image from about 330x330,
Open your image - Shift+D - and close the original image.
Selections - select all - new raster layer
Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout - with this setting.
Repeat Cutout - now with -3.
selections - select none.
Image - add border 2 pixels - symmetric - background color.
Image - add border 1 pixels - symmetric - foreground color.
Image - add border 2 pixels - symmetric - background color.
Image -add border 10 pixels - symmetric - color white.
Open patroon2 - Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colorize - with this setting.
Set your foreground at patroon2 - with this setting.
Select the white border with the magic wand - with this setting.
Fill this with the pattern - let selection stay.
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance.
Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel - with this setting.
selections - select none.
Image - add border 75 bottom - NOT symmetric - foreground color.
Select the border - Effects - Tramages - Waffle - with this setting.
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance.
selections - select none.
Image -add border 10 pixels - symmetric - color white.
Select the white border - fill this with patroon 2.
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance.
Give the same Inner Bevel as in point 3.
selections - select none.
Image - add border 2 pixels - symmetric - background color.
Image - add border 1 pixels - symmetric - foreground color.
Image - add border 2 pixels - symmetric - background color.
Image -add border 25 pixels - symmetric - color white.
Select the white border - fill this with pattern bg3 - corner 0 - scale 100.
selections - select all.
Effects - Cutout - same setting as in point 1.
Repeat Cutout - now with -3.
selections - select none.
Image - add border 2 pixels - symmetric - background color.
Image - add border 1 pixels - symmetric - foreground color.
Image - add border 2 pixels - symmetric - background color.
Image -add border 10 pixels - symmetric - color white.
Image -add border 10 pixels - symmetric - color white.
Select the white border - fill this with patroon 2.
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance.
Give the same Inner Bevel as in point 3.
selections - select none.
Open Charme2 and select 1of the accents - selections - Freehand Selection -
free hand.
Draw a circle around the accent of your choice.
You can always colorize it to your fore- or background color.
Copy this and paste as a new layer - place this left in the upper corner.
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - with this setting.
Effects - Simple - Top Left Mirror - click OK.
Go to text tool - size 48 - I use font Arial Black - stroke width
2 - fore- and background.
Write a text or put your name on it.
Place it in the lower part. see example.
Give the same drop shadow as in point 11.
New raster layer -put your watermark into the image.
Layers - merge - merge all layers.
Image - resize format 85% - all layers checked.
File - export - JPEG optimizer.
Ready is the tag
I hope you like this tutorial.
greetings Emmy,
Tested by Bep
Tutorial written