This Tutorial is copyrighted to the Tutorial Writer, © Emmy Kruyswijk  2009.
 This Tutorial may not be forwarded, shared or otherwise placed on any Web Site or group without written
permission from
Emmy Kruyswijk
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 Materials download here
3 tubes,  2 corners,
filters: - Dot and Cross, Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow, Simple - Top Left Mirror.

Put the plug-ins in the folder plug-ins.



Swing Bench


1. Open a new image 700x700
2. Take 2 colors from the tube. #7fb7e7 as foreground and #215488 as background color.
3. Flood fill your image with the gradient.

4. Duplicate this layer. Image - Mirror. Put the opacity of this layer on 50.
5. Go to selection tool - selection - rounded squares.
6. Make a square 385x385.
7. Flood fill this with the background color.
8. Effects - 3D Effects - drop shadow vert. and horz. 2, opacity 5, blur 5.00, color black.
9. Duplicate this layer and
move it something slantingly down.
10. Stay at the first square.
11. Effects - - Dot and Cross.

12. Stay at the other square.
13. Effects - Texture effects - Texture - bricks.

14. Copy the tube of Mickey and Minnie, paste as a new layer at the square with the bricks.
15. Give the same drop shadow as point 8.
16. Stay at the tube layer and lock the 3 bottom layers.
17. Layers - merge - merge visible.
18. Selections - Select all - selections - modify - contract 60 - selections invert.
19. New raster layer flood fill with the background color.
20. Effects - - same settings as point 11.
21. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel.

22. Select none.
23. Copy the witte ster and paste a a new layer.
24. Place these on the upper square.
25. Copy the sterretjes and paste as a new layer.
26. Image - free rotate 45 right.
27. Place these in the right upper corner.
28. Duplicate this layer - Image -  mirror - image - flip.
29. Copy MD Silvercorner and paste as a new layer.
30. Place it in the left upper corner.
31. Effects - Simple - Top Left Mirror.
32. Put your watermark in the image.
33. Image - Add border 10 foreground color.
34. Select border.
35. Effects - Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow. All at 50.
36. Select none.
37. Image - Add border 60 background color.
38. Select border.
39. Effects - - Dot and Cross. Same settings as point 11.
40. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel. Same as point 21.
41. Copy corner epw 170 and paste as a new layer.
42. Place it in the left upper corner.
43. Effects - Simple - Top Left Mirror.
44. Layers- merge - Merge all Flatten.
45. Image -Resize 75%. And one more time 75%.
46. Image save as jpg.



Ready is the tag
I hope that you like this tutorial.
greetings Emmy,


Tutorial written 10-04-2009